Office of Certification and Accreditation

Praxis Tests
Students in teacher preparation programs at the University of Delaware are required take the Praxis II test that is required for State of Delaware teacher certification in their discipline area(s).
Per changes made to the UCTE policy regarding the Praxis Core on September 12, 2017, information about the requirements for entry into student teaching have been updated. Please see the Entry into Student Teaching page for more information.
Praxis Subject Assessments
Candidates must pass a Praxis Subject Assessment (formerly Praxis II) in the area of their discipline according to the State of Delaware guidelines in order to earn institutional recommendation for teacher certification. Effective December 2021, candidate must pass this content area test by the first June 30th following graduation from the associated program. This institutional recommendation is noted on students’ transcripts and is needed to apply for teacher certification in Delaware and other states.
The list of Praxis Subject Assessments for Delaware and the passing scores for them is available at the ETS Delaware Test Requirements web page, but also consult with your program coordinator about which assessment(s) to take. The testing requirements for other states is available at the ETS Praxis web page where you can select a state through a pull-down menu.
Registering for the Praxis Tests
Students can register for the Praxis tests on the ETS web site. They can take the tests wherever there is a testing location that administers them; they do not have to take the tests in Delaware. The test can be taken at the UD Computer Based Testing Center (CBTC) at 218 Alison Hall or at a location listed on the ETS web site.
When students register for the test, they can designate where they want their test scores sent. They can have scores sent to four places for free. UD students must designate the University of Delaware (5811) as one of their score recipients. In addition to UD, they should designate as score recipients three other states where they may want to teach and that require the test.
Students who are not exempt from any Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators test would initially register for the Combined Test (reading, mathematics, and writing). Students who are exempt from the reading test and/or mathematics test would register for the Individual Test(s) that they need to pass.
When To Take The Tests
The ETS Praxis Scores Overview web page explains when students will receive their scores after taking the test. Knowing the timeline for receiving your scores can help you plan to meet the deadlines listed below for the Praxis Core and Praxis II tests.
Praxis Core. All candidates in an undergraduate teacher education program must pass the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators tests in reading, writing, and mathematics according to the State of Delaware guidelines upon completion of 60 credit hours and/or prior to admission to upper-level education courses. Passing the Praxis Core test is also pre-requisite to student teaching.
Praxis II. Candidates in undergraduate and graduate teacher education programs must pass this Praxis II test according to the State of Delaware guidelines in order to earn institutional recommendation for teacher certification in the area of their discipline. This institutional recommendation is noted on students’ transcripts and is needed to apply for teacher certification in Delaware and other states. Candidates should review their program requirements and consult with their program coordinator about then they should take the test(s) and which test(s) they should take.
Preparing for the Praxis Tests
Students can download free test preparation materials from the ETS web site, including the Study Companions that describe the content of the tests and provide sample test questions. They can also purchase a more complete study guide at a bookstore or review guides available in the Educational Resource Center at 015 Willard Hall. In addition, the links below lead to additional support materials.
- ETS Store where you can purchase ebooks and interactive practice test subscriptions
- Directions to a database where you can take a Praxis Core test and download a test prep book
- Develop a study plan
- Test preparation webinars
- Test day overview
- Test familiarization
- Tips for taking the test
- Computer-delivered testing demonstration
- What to expect on the day of your computer-delivered test
- Reducing test anxiety